APA Y-Advocate is a State Farm funded, half a day training focused on the development of APA youth in our communities. OCA internship alums will facilitate this training and the program will be brought to OCA Sacramento and many other chapters nationwide.
The half day program will focus on the development of APA youth in our communities.
Objectives & Goal:
Students will develop leadership skills
Students will build a growing relationship with OCA local chapter
Students will gain awareness of social justice issues
Students will have an understanding of why it’s important to advocate
Agenda for the Program
8:30AM - 9:00AM Breakfast and Check In
9:00AM - 9:30AM Welcome/Announcements/ Ice Breaker
9:30AM - 12:30PM Activities
12:30PM - 1:15PM Lunch
1:15PM - 2:15PM State Farm presentation
2:15PM - 2:30PM Evaluations
2:30PM - 2:50PM Check Out
Please register for the OCA Sacramento program. Submit Application Form here.
For more information, please contact Dr. Chao Danny Vang at vangchao@gmail.com